PRESENT means both “now” and “gift”. We would like to inform the message “PRESENT is a Present”. PRESENT hopes many people are reminded to know the life is beautiful as a gift in every moment of their lives.
Make People Smile
The mission and activities by PRESENT
are to make people smile with satisfaction of customers.
Product Creative
We are the company who design and develop products which help ecofriendly environments and people’s pleasant lives.
Make Sweet
We operate book café and bookstore to provide a space where people
can enjoy the present moment with a cup of coffee.
Cultural Frontiers
We support and encourage the life that people can enjoy cultural activities by hosting a variety of cultural events.

PRESENT means both “now” and “gift”. We would like to inform the message “PRESENT is a Present”. PRESENT hopes many people are reminded to know the life is beautiful as a gift in every moment of their lives.

Make People Smile

The mission and activities by PRESENT are to make people smile with satisfaction of customers.

Product Creative

We are the company who design and develop products which help ecofriendly environments and people’s pleasant lives.

Making Sweet

We operate book café and bookstore to provide a space where people can enjoy the present moment with a cup of coffee.

Cultural Frontiers

We support and encourage the life that people can enjoy cultural activities by hosting a variety of cultural events.

PRESENT is Present

We would like to make our design activity a pleasant gift for everyone living in the present.
That's why PRESENT exists.

PRESENT is Present

We would like to make our design activity a pleasant gift for everyone living in the present.
That's why PRESENT exists.